Going once, Going twice

First years project where all IT students need to build an auction website. During this project you make use of PHP and research is done to come to a frontend framework.


During this first years project students use their gained knowledge to create a new auction website. They make use of Object Oriƫnted development, PHP, MSSQL and Power BI. This is the first time students come in contact with Agile development.


Workin in a team introduced some challenges during development. Not everyone was proficient in Git and the master branch was broken most of the time. As time went on we figured it out and started using branches. Still the review step needed some work.

We also learned time management. The product owner wanted as many features packed into a sprint. We learned to add features to the backlog and add a manageable amount of features to the sprint goal.

In the team we had both students from the management as well as the software fields of study. We needed to teach each other the knowledge we gained in the different courses because all of us needed to participate in both fields. It was a great way to learn how to share knowledge with fellow students or colleagues.



  • Henri Kuunders
  • Sven Molhuijssen
  • Luuk de Wildt
  • Luke van den Brink


  • JavaScript
  • Foundation
  • PHP
  • JQuery
  • SCSS