The project "Inside Airbnb" is an insideAirbnb clone, that shows all Airbnb locations in Amsterdam. It shows you when locations are rented and what type of listings are the most popular.
Advanced life support is a set of life-saving protocols and skills. These skills can be trained in simulations to ensure medical personel is prepared. This prototype helps to improve the educational and user friendliness aspect of the current systems by registering participants actions and automating the scenario flow.
Finding a free open hotspot can be hard. This project will let you add hotspot to a database and let's you connect to one of the available hotspots with one push of a button. We build this application with Ionic and the backend with Swift Vapor.
Managing content on a website can be challenging. CEDA, a visual regression tool, provides a way to check for visual changes and performs tests on every page to verify if they're still working. This takes work from days to minutes. All changes are visible in a clean interface showing all information you need to address problems.
Music never happens in a vacuum, it is usally a group effort. Even so-called "solo-artists" write and produce songs together with a group of people in order to have them become big hits. However most music production software is old-school and not in a good way. Large desktop applications rule the field, and large files need haring on cloud-storage services like Dropbox. All parties either work on it seperately, having to wait until someone else has finished and uploaded their part to dropbox, or they need to be physically near each other. In this project a tool was developed that makes real-time collaboration in music possible.
Bipolar people have extreme mood swings and tracking the illness is of great value for therapists. One of those methods is the Lift Chart Method. This tracking calender is a very static tool. Creating a digital tool will make tracking the ilness easier and more interactive.
During a study it can be hard to find information due to the amount of courses you have. When the school decided to spread this information across multiple third party application it quickly becomes a headache to keep track where everything is. This project tries to solve this problem.