Finding a free open hotspot can be hard. This project will let you add hotspot to a database and let's you connect to one of the available hotspots with one push of a button. We build this application with Ionic and the backend with Swift Vapor.
The idea for me came about during the start of the minor mobile application development. I wanted to build this application in Swift. But unfortunately due to the type of developer profile, I was not able to connect with the WiFi antenna. During the course "Develop a Hybrid Application" we were able to interact with the WiFi antenna on Android. For the course DHA we needed to build a UI with Ionic, Angular and TypeScript. Besides a UI we also needed to interface with an API. During this time we needed to prepare a presentation about Swift backend Frameworks. We decided to combine the two projects.
Using Ionic you are not able to directly communicate with the Android SDKs. To do this a Capactir plugin is needed. For the Wi-Fi manager there was non available. During the project we build our own plugin. To further expand our knowledge we decided to try out ReactiveX programming. We implemented RxJS in the Ionic application.